"It’s totally possible that this task of leading in times as complex and volatile as today is a bigger stretch for us humans than anything we’ve ever had to do."
Jennifer Garvey Berger
The ongoing worldwide disruptive, and complex issues, are redefining and reshaping how leaders in all businesses need to adapt and function - along with accelerating the necessity for new workplace skills to cope with the significant changes within companies.
Our recent conversations with key businesses are indicating that senior-level 'burnout' is at an all-time high, skill gaps are increasing, and employee retention, to say the very least, is challenging. The conventional ways of tackling problems, from a linear, predict, and plan perspective, are not working anymore in our current complex and ever-changing context. Now, more than ever, business leaders need to develop the heart, skill, and wisdom to respond effectively to the accelerating rates of disruption and instability. This requires a dedicated developmental approach that includes the cognitive mind, as well as leaders’ emotional and embodied physical selves. Only if leaders can increase their bandwidth they will be able to accelerate organic and purposeful business growth, uplift and align the organisation and realise latent potential simultaneously.
However, we know this is easier said than done, and we know this is not a simple task that can be solved overnight or by implementing a 'generic' one size fits all approach.
The leadership expertise that is required now to navigate the complex issues in the business world won't be achieved just by reading a book or attending a one-day 'training' event, the content of which is usually forgotten about as soon as the attendees stumble back into the day-day chaos that is prevalent in today's businesses. The executive leadership team needs a participatory, integrated, and inclusive, coaching and developmental program that is delivered in an engaging, 'safe', and transparent way; a program that is habit-changing and relevant to today's demanding environment.
In a nutshell.... a program that has up-to-date development methods and content, is progressive, and most of all - one that is not just challenging, but enables vertical growth, a greater ability to be present and work creatively with ambiguity, conflict, paradox, and contradictions, and hold a systemic perspective.
Our Approach
Whilst planning your individualised program, we work closely with you to understand exactly what the needs of your team and business are, revisiting your needs on an ongoing basis. We don't just focus on the short-term, we always take into account your future growth strategy, your requirements for human resources, and succession planning.
Executive Leadership Coaching Program (6-9 months)
We offer a wide range of flexible, individual, and specialised coaching programs, and we work with you and your team to:
Uncover the (sub) conscious patterns that hold people back, how to work with these patterns, and develop capacity to thrive in complexity.
Bring higher levels of consciousness to your work, through a blend of cutting-edge body-mind psychology and Eastern wisdom practices.
Expand your bandwidth by unlocking your capacity to feel and sense clearly, to be deeply attuned to yourself and others, accessing higher levels of creativity, insight, and nuanced information.
Build the capacity to adaptively shift and regulate emotional states for effective action, decision-making, and moving people forward towards inspiring, shared outcomes.
Increase agility levels and the ability to take multiple perspectives during crucial conversations and in team leadership, as well as in roles for organisational change using a scientifically proven model.
Gain renewed energy and increased health through the inclusion of our specialised integrative health & wellbeing methods in all of our programs.
If you would like to know more about our face-face and virtual coaching programs, then book a no-obligation consultation with us today.